
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Version 0.0.4

  • changed apache instructions
  • now the config folder and the web folder are the same
  • some work on gui ratings (read this)
  • removed requirement for figuritas external protocol handler
  • now it uses gnome-open to open video files with the default video player
  • updated to JQuery v1.4.2
  • now requires bash >= 4
  • fixed imdb_grabber not getting the year
  • fixed problem when importing files with single quotes.
  • sumbenu implementation
  • some other changes


  1. I still have problems with Apache :-D

    First the easy things:
    1) you have removed from the instructions the indication to copy the program itself in /var/www

    sudo cp /usr/bin/figuritas /var/www/figuritas
    sudo cp -r /usr/share/figuritas/web /var/www/figuritas

    2) in the instruction you don't say to create symbolic links. Instead of

    sudo ln ~/.figuritas figuritas

    there should be

    sudo ln -s ~/.figuritas figuritas

    and the same for

    sudo ln ~/.figuritas figuritas/$USER

    3) Anyway my problem is the following. If I don't put the option FollowSymLinks, I cannot add the films (and this is expected). But as soon as I add the option, I get a 403 error:


    You don't have permission to access /figuritas/index.cgi on this server.

    Thank you for your efforts
    Nonno Bassotto

  2. This version is more stable than previous version. Excellent work Mr Yuzem sir! There is definitely no better multimedia organiser out there right now. Once I got imdb-thumbnailer working this program is really simple to use and I look forward to more features being added.
